As a result / As a result of 看起來好像 Because / Because of 的分別,對嗎?不過…

Because / Because of 只有用法上的分別,意義是相同的,都是解「因為」,例如:
We did not sleep well because it was noisy.
= We did not sleep well because of the noise.

As a result 的意思是「因此」(順便留意一下標點符號的用法):
He twisted his ankle. As a result, he had to drop out of the race.
He twisted his ankle and as a result he had to drop out of the race.

As a result 的同義詞/近義詞(可以符合文法直接取代):
Therefore / Thus / Hence / As a consequence / Consequently

As a result of 的意思是「由於」:
He decided to drop out of the race as a result of his twisted ankle.

以上的句子,藍色部分為原因紅色部分為結果,小心不要混淆。以下例句取自不同的網上字典,你能夠正確地填上As a result / As a result of 嗎?

  1. He sprained his wrist and ___ he will not be playing in the tournament.
  2. He was out of work for three months ___ the accident.
  3. All flights have had to be cancelled ___ the pilots’ strike.
  4. Jobs are hard to get and ___ more young people are continuing their education.
  5. She has lived in France and ___ she can speak French fluently.
  6. 750 manual workers will lose their jobs ___ company cutbacks.
  7. You were punished by your parents ___ your disobedience.
  8. She lost a lot of money ___ some risky investments.


(1,3,4,5: as a result; 2,6,7,8: as a result of)